Monday, October 6, 2008

Height and Weight: No Longer a Dealbreaker

Many people view breaking into the entertainment industry as either a stroke of luck, being in the right place at the right time, or a complete impossibility; becoming frustrated at the first sign of rejection and eventually giving up. The truth is…neither statement is accurate. Becoming a successful model or actor is the result of a strong desire and an unwavering sense of perseverance; it’s not magic.

One of the most popular myths about the modeling and acting industry is that a female must be over 5’8” and weigh next to nothing, while males must maintain a chiseled, rock hard physique to be successful. The good news for the rest of us out here with realistic, healthy dimensions (and for those of you who are vertically challenged…) is that this is, in fact, just a myth.

Height is required for runway work, but little else. As for weight, the trend in all entertainment work is moving towards a healthier, more shapely figure. Not to mention, that in order to sell everyday goods and services, they must enlist the talent of everyday men and women. No one wants to buy toothpaste from a high-fashion heroin-chic waif. Nor does any mother or father want their twelve year old idolizing someone that looks like he or she subsists on a diet of celery and cigarettes. So yes, if you want to break into this industry, you should maintain a sensible diet and an active lifestyle, but if you do not fit the stereotypical “model type” it doesn’t mean your career has ended before it began. Get out there and chase your dreams.

Make every sidewalk a catwalk!

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